Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 3 ending 4th of July, 2009

I spent most of last week indoors but got to venture out for a good friend's birthday. These are the images of the people I know and of people I had the pleasure of getting to know....

- Alexis - Investor relations associate extraordinaire and kick ass friend. You'll notice in these photos that despite the fact that we aren't actually keeping score in the game, her full on competitive nature still shines through. That, and she really loves cream puffs!

- Mike Hase - Husband extraordinaire, excellent cook, and overall cool dude.

- Sarah - I learned that her father is a professional photographer. I learned other things about her however; this not a gossip column.

- Kyla - She is Sarah's girlfriend. She knows A LOT about the various types of mexican wraps and explained to me the differences between them all. She pointed out that I had made my fajitas to look like a burrito. I was oddly fascinated by her observation.

- Brianna - she works for a public relations firm in Manhattan. I noticed she wears clothes really well. Lovely girl. I also met her boyfriend....but alas, there goes the name memory bank again...

- Rupa - she lived in Mumbai for a couple of years and is now back. She left her job to come back to America and spend a year deciding what is next for her. She talked about her life in India and is currently writing short stories about it. I look forward to reading them.

- Fontaine - I didn't get a chance to talk to her; but she was very funny and clearly had a zest for life. She made me laugh.

- I met several other people whose names I've sadly forgotten. I'm trying to get better at that.

- Counting Crows were playing on the speakers.

These were the people and things that made me stop and pay attention....

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  1. i love your introductions of everyone before the photos. so beautiful!
    you are a great writer as well as photographer!

  2. Thanks for saying that Jules!
    I'm glad you're here helping me stay motivated to do this. It really does make me stop and look at my surroundings.... if only for a brief moment.

  3. I like the addition of the captions as well, nice to have context and match who is who in your description. I really noticed and enjoyed the black and white in this set, it showed the personalities very well. I'd say you are getting closer to a comfortable viewing length for me..I'd say a full song would be perfect for my attention span. Thanks for posting!

  4. Question - do you let the slideshow play itself or do you use the arrows to view it at your own speed?
